Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

The Easter holiday is always a special time for Christians. This year, I was able to attend a Good Friday service for the first time. I was so excited! Our pastor read the Scriptures that led up to Christ’s death, but it was done in a way that it sounded like it was coming from someone who would have been present at each of those times. It really personalized those passages and made me see it in a different light. We observed the Lord’s supper, which was a wonderful experience following the reading of that particular passage of Scripture. We also observed baptism. That was also a special time as it is symbolic of Christ’s burial and resurrection. It was a wonderful experience and it was only dampened by the fact that Heston couldn’t go with me. He hurt his back on Thursday and wasn’t able to get out of bed to go with me. He was a trooper and made it through the weekend, even though he was in a lot of pain and is at the doctor’s now trying to find out what exactly happened.

We had a good Easter with Heston’s family. It was good to be with family on Easter as it has been just the 2 of us or a few friends for the past several years. I didn’t take any pictures but I am sure others will be posted. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!