Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I love my grandparents so much and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell them this! They have given us so much, most importantly, a Christian heritage. Both sets of my grandparents are saved and have raised thier families in Christianity. I didn't realize how rare that was until I got older.

My grandparents live in CO now, near my family and my uncle's family. They met before WW 2. They correponded throughout the war and then they got married! My grandpa worked and retired from Northwest Airlines. They raised their family, 2 boys and 1 girl, in MN where my grandpa built thier house. Neat house! When they retired, they moved to Oceanside, CA where they lived for 10+ years. Then they moved to CO in GOD'S PERFECT TIMING! Shortly after they moved to CO, my grandpa had heart troubles which would have been very difficult for the family to help out with if they still lived in CA. The Lord also led my aunt and uncle who lived in California to move to CO before we even knew what was in store for my Grandpa. But the Lord led him through that.

Several weeks ago, my grandma had back surgery because something was pinching the nerves that go to her legs. She is doing well and the doctor's were amazed with how well she did due to her age (82). She is recuperating at home and is waiting for the weather to get nicer so she can get outside!

My Grandma CHECKS MY BLOG!! I told her she was the coolest Grandma ever. They have been married for close to 60 years and have been a great example to Heston and I. We don't get to see them often, but we keep in contact!

I just wanted to say, I love you Grandma & Grandpa and I can't wait to see you in June! Maybe you can make it up for Bri's graduation in May? We will see!!

(Grandma & Brianne)
We love you and miss you!